The highlight of the event for me personally, was when my dad took to the stage in the wee hours of the morning, during the jam session. Joined by oldtimers, dad was back in his element, solo-ing on the guitar to the cheers and applause of the crowd.
I didn't realise how much I missed seeing and hearing him perform, until I saw him play last night. Zul from the Headwind band first took to the stage and after a masterclass performance from him, he introduced dad, who showed that he was just as good if not better! :-) I couldn't stop smiling and cheering! And I could see that dad was very much enjoying himself.
Vay recorded his playing and though it's a bit noisy, you can still hear him play. I'm having a tough time uploading it to FB though. I'll have to find another way to share the video.
More on the event in another entry.