April 22, 2011

Too much things on my mind

I know I said I'd have a proper write up about the Marathon Tribute, but I've decided that I'm just too worn and lazy to do it. The pictures on my FB should tell you how it went. Plus my sis did a pretty good entry on her blog already. So no need for repetition.

I've had too much things on my mind lately...I'm about to explode. I think maybe this is one of the reasons why I can't put on weight. Worry, stress and good genes!

I found a pendant of Lord Ganesha today in my office garden. Probably dropped off someone's keychain. I saw it while walking out for lunch. It was still there after I came back, so I picked it up. I don't know if it's ok or not to pick it up...but Lord Ganesha just happens to be widely revered as the Remover of Obstacles
and more generally as the Lord of Beginnings.

He also happens to be my Family God. And at this point in my life...He's just what I need - remover of my and my family's obstacles and beginning of good times ahead!

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