April 29, 2019

The First Four Months

The first four months of 2019 have not been good. While the new year often starts on a promising, more hopeful note, 2019 began with the news of the passing of a close friend's grandfather. January also saw my uncle being diagnosed with cancer.

Come February, more bad news hit my family. In a span of about two weeks, my mum's cousin and uncle passed away; one from cancer (!!!) and the other from a heart attack. Cancer continued to haunt my family as Ben's mum was also diagnosed with it. My uncle went under the knife a day before Valentine's, while Ben's mum went under the knife while I was in Hong Kong (work trip). Alas, fate was not on their side as the doctors could not remove everything.

March was a month of prayer, hope, strength and tenacity as both Ben's family and mine did all we could to make our loved ones comfortable. On a slightly happier note in a gloomy month, Ben and I celebrated our 1st year together.

In the weeks following the diagnosing and staging of the killer disease, Ben's mum succumbed to it on the 1st of April. Exactly a week after Ben's mum's passing, my uncle passed too. An impromptu trip to KL to visit him while he was still alive ended with us attending his funeral.

The first four months of 2019 have not been good. I myself had been to the doctor at least 3 times within a month; and my paranoia began to annoy my mum, sis and Ben. I guess everyone was right in that the stress was affecting me. I even missed my monthly cycle in March.

The only positive that I am thankful for so far is the fact that my family and I including Ben have become stronger! We were there for each other, we supported each other, we prayed for each other, we were strong for each other.

The first four months of 2019 have not been good. But, there are 8 months left of 2019, so I am hopeful that this phase will end soon, very soon....bringing with it  renewed hope.


On my own issues, I finally made a booking for a new car(!!), that too after much much much thought and debate and annoying of my mum ,sis and Ben. I think Ben saw another side of me.

As I write this, I have also turned down a fairly good job offer which would have increased my salary. However, the job itself is very very vague and the person whom I am to work with does not have a very good reputation. That said, as I am currently very happy where I am, and I know I am doing well, I have decided to remain where I am.

People can and will definitely talk about me being stupid for rejecting the offer; say that I am unambitious....But, I know myself. My family knows me. Ben knows me. Friends know me. And that is all I need. 

 *Late Entry*  31 December 2024 2024 - This is only my second entry this year, which is not good. I started this blog so that I could pen my...