January 3, 2010


OK...so here's my first entry in 2010. As I said in my last 2009 entry, I have made no resolutions this year and already...I feel free!! Haha....actually...I feel a bit apprehensive. I don't know what is in store for me; I do not know what to expect. I like routine to a certain extend. However, to me, the unknown is always scary. It could be a good surprise (like me winning a million ringgit!!) or it could be bad. Either way, not knowing what the future holds for me is rather frightening instead of exciting.

As I look back at 2009, I realised that I need to do more exciting things. I feel as though I've led a rather boring existence. But at the same time, I'm afraid to step out of the comfort zone that I've build around myself - either at work or socially. That has to change.

Maybe this year I'll go speed dating. Or para-sailing. Or go on a holiday. Learn a new language, maybe Spanish or improve my Tagalog. Anything. It's not a resolution I'm making. But rather, it's something that I feel I want to do so that I won't regret not doing it.

I'm 26 this year. That's 4 years to 30. I want to do something/or a few things before I turn 30. Since dating 100 guys before turning 30 seems to be out of the question, I'll have to look for other things to do. Hehe... :-)

Oh well...that's entry No.1 for 2010. Let's see how many interesting entries I'll post up this year!


Law(u)rence Anyways said...

to date 100 guys before you turn 30 sounds just so...

Shakun said...

Sounds so what?? Date only lah...nothing else!! Aiyoh!

SFGEMS said...

100 guys before 30 means 25 per year which is about 2 a month. Not an impossible task lah! :)

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