February 25, 2013

Week 7

Week 7 begins and it doesn’t look like the weather is improving. Lol! I guess I’m fated to go home while there is still snow falling. I just hope it doesn’t delay my flight!

I woke up at 8.30am and just lazed around. I Googled to double check if the flea market would indeed be open today; and according to the website, it would be opened at 10am and last till 4pm. So I had plenty of time. I basically lazed around in my PJs, while I had my breakfast, did laundry and browsed the net.

At 10.30am when I looked out the window, I had a beautiful view of falling snow. Yes…instead of the snow twirling around, seeming to come from the ground up like the last time, today, the snow was actually falling down. I actually spent a few minutes just gazing out the window, watching the snow fall, trying to mentally capture the moment and image coz in two weeks’ time, this will all just be a memory.

In the end, I didn’t go to the flea market! Yes…such a waste, I know but I was just too lazy to get all dressed up and then walk in the snow and in the cold. Plus, I don’t know where the flea market is, so that would entail me looking for the place and if I’m lucky, finding it. Instead, I stayed home and ate pasta with tomato-mozzarella soup. Warm and comforting food. I also chatted with my sis and got the latest gossip from home. J

I went for a walk in the early evening. I went to buy a slice of cake and bread. Then when I reached home, I made hot chocolate while I enjoyed my slice of cake. I watched the Cosby Show and Ellen on Youtube till it was nearly 11pm.

I start my second last week at work tomorrow. I have 11 working days left, March 11th being my last working day though I doubt I’ll work that day. I’ve got two weekends left to do what I want. Right now, I can’t really think of what else I want to do coz I feel as though I have done enough and I am happy and contented. Anything extra would be a bonus.

I guess I will just take each day as it comes and enjoy it to the fullest. J


1 comment:

SFGEMS said...

Feeling contented is one of the most beautiful thing in the world today. One doesn't need much to feel contented.

So glad that you already know that feeling!

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