August 2, 2011


It's already August!! Puasa has started. My sis's 21st birthday is in two weeks; then it'll be Raya, then Merdeka. Before I know it, it'll be Deepavali and then Xmas!! Whoa.......time is indeed just zooming.......!!!!

Been busy at work. Rushing this and that. Plus there's this big Tribunal thing that is happening in India in December, so we're all gearing up for it. I've said that I don't want to have any work stuff here in my blog, but I can't seem to help it as work takes up half my time. Just the other day, my colleagues and I were rushing to finish a proposal. The call for the proposal came out about 2 1/2 months ago but due to delays and procrastination by a certain someone....we are had to bear the brunt of her actions!! We managed to submit the proposal on time so we can only hope that we get the funding.

On another grandparents and aunt and uncle came for a visit!! It's been years since we all last saw each other, so it was great fun meeting up!!

Am at work now...curi-curi writing this...hehe....

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