November 14, 2009

The secret alcoholic in me??

My mum was a wild person back in her hey-days!! She drank, she smoked, she partied all night long, here in Malaysia, in Hong Kong and God knows where else!! She slowed down a bit once she got married and we kids started appearing. She did go out occasionally, to see my dad play or just to have the "much-needed" girls' night out.

My sis and I grew up in an open environment. Since dad was away pretty much during our entire childhood, my mum brought us up in what I would call it a "truthful-no-nonsense" environment. She's one of those "you-make-your-bed-you-lie-in-it" sort of person and I'm grateful that she is that way, even until today. She lets us make our own mistakes and learn from them; let's us make own our choices and then deal with whatever the consequences are etc. But I digress.

What I want to say is, despite being the fun, wild person she was in her younger days (though I have to admit, she is the life of most parties even till today!!), my sis and I somehow did not inherit that trait from her!! We are in fact quite the opposite.

We don't go clubbing; we don't smoke: as for drinking, up until a few weeks ago, we only ever drank alcohol with our parents' present!! It's not like they're full of rules, saying you can't do this, you can't do that; don't drink alcohol, don't smoke! Nope! My parents are in fact the total opposite!

My parents actually ENCOURAGES me and my sis to go out, experience the world, do fun things!! All within limit of course. But somehow, my sis and I don't feel the need to do those things. I suppose it's because we know that our parents will let us do what we want and that they trust us.

And I said, up until a few weeks ago, my sis and I only ever drank alcohol with my parents being around.

A few weeks ago, my friend invited us to go to Hard Rock for the opening and that sort of brought us out from our shells. Of course, smoking is a NO-NO as inhaling second-hand smoke is enough to kill me!! I stop at corrupting (or poisoning) my liver with cocktails, beer etc. I somehow, in my 25th year of existence, find myself beginning to like drinking!! *Gosh* I started slow at first but the more I go out, the more I drink!! *Gasp*

At Hard Rock, I had only one beer. The following week, at Sunset Bistro, I had something stronger. I had a S'pore Sling. Last night, at QE2, since it was Ladies' Night and all the drinks were free, I had.....3 Vodka cocktails, 2 shots of Black Label (neat!) and a Kahlua (which tasted like Kopiko!!). I didn't get drunk nor did I feel high. Although I did feel a bit sleepy. My sis had 4 Vodka cocktails and she felt fine too.

*Grimacing* I wonder what or rather how far I would go next?? I don't fancy getting drunk and embarassing myself in front of my friends. Nope...I'd rather do that with my parents around, though I am sure I'll never hear the end of it should that ever happen!! I detect a growing alcoholic in me???

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