March 23, 2020

Of MROs and Selfish People

It's 23 March 2020 and for the first time in my working life, I am working from home. For the next 11 days. Not because I am sick. Not because something is wrong at my company.

Me and almost the whole country are under a Movement Restriction Order (MRO) due to COVID-19 which is spreading like wildfire. It started in China back in December if I am not mistaken; and today, the whole world has been infected. Every day, thousands of people are being tested positive, and hundreds are just dying. To date, Malaysia has more than a thousand positive cases with almost 10 deaths recorded. And I expect the numbers to increase for I believe we have yet to reach its peak.

This virus is so fast spreading and dangerous that a simple handshake or hug with a COVID-19 positive case could mean you contracting the virus. And yet, despite this seriousness, we have "smart" people still going out while there is the MRO in place. Markets are still full, coffee shops are still being patronised, supermarkets are also still packed with people. While I understand that supplies do run out, but please....don't tell me that a person only buys supplies that lasts a day. Especially with the MRO. To me, these people are purely stubborn and selfish.

Just yesterday, I read an article where a lady went out to get shampoo (!!) and was promptly told off by the police. Another guy actually wanted to go have a meal and meet friends. Like seriously?! Some Malaysians don't seem to understand why there is an MRO and what the MRO stands for. Selfishness to the highest degree.

My family, close friends and I are scared to the bones; worrying constantly about washing our hands; wearing a mask (that too if we actually have one)...etc. And yet, these people still go out, some with kids (!!). I wonder where their brains are. Or do they think this is an issue of "It wont get me".

So many countries are under lockdown; perhaps Malaysia should be too. But then again, the very people who are still going out during the MRO will be the ones who complain about their "freedom" being restricted. What assholes! While the doctors, nurses, cleaners and Security personnel are risking their lives, these selfish idiots continue to expose themselves without an ounce of guilty conscience. Some people are even on the brink of losing their jobs; or having to take huge salary cuts.

While I can rant and rant about how selfish and stubborn some Malaysians are, I'd rather spend my time praying that a cure would be found; and that things will start to improve.

Let us all pray together for the world to heal and for some people to grow brains.

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