October 2, 2008

Being a Vegetarian during Hari Raya

It's Hari Raya!! Before I start, I just want to wish my family and friends "Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!! Best Best Wishes and may God bless you guys always!!" :-)

There!...now that all pleasantries are over, it's time for me to gripe about not being able to celebrate Raya to the full extend. As you all know, Raya is THE time for rendang, ketupat, lemang, kuih raya, nasi minyak, ayam masak merah....you get the drift. I have always enjoyed celebrating Raya, not only because my uncle is a Muslim (which means I get duit Raya!! haha!) but also because, staying in a multi-racial housing area, you'll always have lunch or dinner invitations. That's been the norm for as long as I can remember. But ever since last year, I've had to forgo those lunches and dinners simply because Navarathri happens to be during Raya!!! Coincidentally, or rather unfortunately for me, Navathri is where Hindus have to observe vegetarianism for 9 days!! And so, being the good Hindu that I am (or rather trying to be a good Hindu) I too observe this 9-day practice.

Back in high school, I was only vegetarian for the last 3 days but somehow, for the past 2 years, I decided to go for the full 9 days. It was hard (it's still hard) to abstain from meat. Before this, I would never have categorised myself as a meat-lover!! And so...for the 3rd year running, I am missing out on my Raya goodies (see pic!!) Yesterday was only the first day of Navarathri and last night, I dreamt that I was eating the best chicken rice ever!! *sighs* To make matters worse, the air this morning was filled with the smells of chicken curry, dalcha and all those other lovely, tasty meaty dishes!!

I don't know why, but I feel worse this year. Maybe it's because after enjoying so much (makan wise), the sacrifice I have to make this 9 days is bringing me back to reality. At work, I am on this project campaigning for people's right to food and here I am complaining about giving up MEAT!!

Anyway, as I am writing this, my neighbour just gave us Raya goodies and I am eating the jelly!! YUMMY!!

Well...I am already half way through the 2nd day and there's just 7 days more to go...not bad, that's just one week, 21 meals (roughly) of eting veggies....hmmm....I'm going to look for soy meat now...

1 comment:

Orkid Galistan said...

I love being vegetarian...erm..its nice. Indian vege dishes are marvelous!!!!

 *Late Entry*  31 December 2024 2024 - This is only my second entry this year, which is not good. I started this blog so that I could pen my...