August 1, 2009


It's the 1st of August, and although I should have done this two months ago, to be honest, it didn't enter my mind until yesterday. What am I talking about? 2009 To-Do List of course!! At the beginning of the year, I made a list of things to-do or rather I would like to achieve by the year end. And like anyone on a mission, I think a review of the past 6 (7) months is due. What have I done in the 1st half of year and have I achieved anything? How many items on my list have I crossed out??

Well...there are 5 items on my To-Do List and so far, I've managed to strike off two items (clap clap clap!!) and deleted one item off the list as I figured that was something that's not realistic for this year. It's on my next year's list though!! I still want to do it!!

And far as the review goes...I'm right on schedule. 7 months have passed and two items have been struck off. The remaining two items pose a bit of a problem as one of them has been a goal I've been trying to achieve for years. It's probably going to take me another few years. Only God knows. As for the other, it's not really something to achieve I just realised but rather, it's on-going. So far, I've managed to stick to it quite diligently and I hope to continue to do so.

Well...two more items with 4 months to go. I think I can complete my To-Do List. We'll see...

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