February 4, 2010

100th entry - Not a good week

This is my 100th entry in my blog. I would say that it is indeed an achievement as I never thought I'd have so much to write about!! Haha!

Anyway, this is not a happy entry.. Since last Friday, things have not been going well. As I said in my previous entry, I got sick last Friday and that ruined all my Thaipusam plans. Then there was the accident on Sunday which sort of crippled my family as we then had to survive and juggle our life with one car. Ok...I just re-read that sentence and it makes my family sound so ungrateful. I mean, the fact that we have two cars doesn't mean we live in luxury. The two cars are a necessity. But I digress.

I went back to work yesterday after being on MC for the first two days of the week. It was nice to go back and catch up on the gossip. After all, what's work without gossip? It was back to usual. Work in the morning till 5.30pm, then home to watch AI and Glee. [Just to side-track: I actually bathed with cold water last night coz it was so damn hot and I couldn't stand it. For those who don't know me, cold showers and me don't get along. It can be hot outside and I'll still bathe with hot water. But to actually break my "normalcy" and bathe with cold water...that's something!! Climate Change!!]

I woke up as usual this morning. Got ready for work, read the newspapers, had my cup of Milo, waited for mum to get ready coz she was sending me to work. Then....the car wouldn't start. Thinking it was out of petrol, dad went to get some but that did not solve the problem. After many futile attempts at trying to start the car, I had to call the office to inform them that I was on emergency leave. And all this is happening on my dad's 55th birthday!!

I'm not sure whether the Gods are testing us; whether it is fate that we all are to be together on my dad's birthday; or whether we're just having a bad start to the month. What I know is, this has been a bad first week of February.

I hope that as the weekend arrives, things will get settled; and by the time Chinese New Year comes, we'll be doing much better.

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