January 15, 2009

2009: 25

Ushering in the New Year is always exciting. It promises new hope, new resolutions, new dreams, new adventures.

I have a lot of ambitions for 2009. Like I said in my previous entry, my 2009 list is ready and up on my board. I look at it almost everyday, reminding myself of what I want to achieve this year. So far, my progress looks positive and I'm hoping to keep the momentum.

But what is really bugging me...well....not really bugging me....but more of occupying my thoughts is the fact that I am turning 25 this year. Yes...that's right...25! 1/4 of a century. 1/2 of 50. 5 years to 30. When I mentioned this fact to my mum last year, all she said was, "That's the age I got married." Like that helped a lot!! Blek!

Back in high school, I always wondered whether I would ever reach 21, let alone 25!! And yet, here I am today, lamenting on my turning 25 this year. Truthfully, I don't feel 25. Heck, I don't feel any older than when I left high school. Though I may look more matured than I did at 18, my spirit is still young. Maybe it's due to genes and my environment. My mum is way past 50 and yet, my friends think she's cooler than me!! And my sis, she's only 19 this year!! So...maybe being surrounded by young people and those who are young at heart (that's you amah!), I'm more inclined to feel younger than my actual age.

Since I am turning 25 this year, I told my sis that I want a party. Surprise party or not, I don't care, as long as I have one. It is something to celebrate. After all, you only turn 25 once!! And so, being the public relations student that she is and ever eager to plan something, my sis has decided to undertake the responsibility of being the party planner!! :-) So....till my birthday....


Anonymous said...

Hello.....if I could be 25 again......the world would end lah.Be happy and enjoy every year to come.

Vayshna said...

One of the the reason you don't feel really old may also be due to the fact that MAJORITY of the people we meet seem to think that I (Your YOUNGER sister) is the older one! I know it lifts ur heart everytime someone says "so, who's elder?" BLUEK! hahahah....

SFGEMS said...

Hi Kun, you should check this blog out and consider sending a letter to thyself!


 *Late Entry*  31 December 2024 2024 - This is only my second entry this year, which is not good. I started this blog so that I could pen my...