January 23, 2013

Cold cold day....

I should have suspected that something was wrong (or going to be wrong) when I felt cold last night. I am usually quite warm in my room but somehow, yesterday was different.

I woke up this morning once again to snow covered rooftops, cars and walkways; and it was cold despite the heating in my room! It wasn’t snowing though. The temperature when I left my apartment today was -7C! By the time I reached the office, my hands and feet were frozen and painful! I had to take off my boots and walk around the office in my socks for awhile just to let the blood flow. After that, it was ok. I even bought breakfast and lunch just so that I would not have to go out!

As I said in my previous entries, only my hands are a problem. I haven’t found a solution on how to keep my hands warm. Jemimah told me to carry a warm drink around but how many warm drinks am I going to carry around? Claudia brought some thermal tops for me, since the temperature is dropping. I asked her how long this would last and she said that it could last all of January (thank God, January is almost over) and possibly through February (!!); although she thinks that the weather MAY change for the better. I hope so too!! She said a bit more snow and we can go snowboarding!

I have been eating lunch by myself since I am now in the other part of the office (the office is divided into lofts). They have 2 lofts here and I happen to be in the old one, where the bigwigs are. I can easily join the other trainees in the other loft, but they tend to eat fast and go back to work right after. Such workaholics! Not my kind of lunch time. :S I’d rather eat alone and just browse the net. Lol!

So I am done with the difficult article that I started to read. I cheated and just scanned through the last pages. I started and finished a second paper on ‘Transitional Justice’ which was so much easier to understand and relate to! I guess I’m just not Harvard material. :p

As soon as I reached home today, the first thing I did after keeping all my stuff was make tea. I needed something to keep me warm!! I don’t know why but today I really felt cold. I really hope the weather doesn’t go worse. Even now, as I am typing this, I’m only using one hand!

By the way…I switched on the radio last night out of curiosity, and I found a channel that plays English songs!! Woo!! I listened to it while I read. It was so nice to hear something familiar, although the DJs were speaking in German. They played a blend of modern and old (read: Carpenters) songs; which is ok since I am also the old school type.

Tomorrow’s another day. I hope the weather is nice. 

1 comment:

SFGEMS said...

When you are back in Penang, you will remember the first winter you experienced.

You will smile and nothing of the cold will worry you again.

Making memories, Kun. That's what I keep thinking....

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