March 6, 2013

6 (and bad news)

Once again, I got up and saw the sun shining brightly. I’m now pretty convinced that I will not see snow fall again and that spring is slowly creeping in.

I took down my luggage bag from the cupboard last night, and started putting in stuff that I know I won’t be using this week. Even so, I was a bit reluctant to take stuff out of the cupboard and put them in the luggage, as it signals finality; that I am indeed leaving and that goodbye is inevitable.

One good thing is, when I leave next week, I’ll actually just be saying “see you next week” to some of my colleagues as I’ll be seeing them again in Manila. So that’s a consolation. On the other hand, it’s sadly, goodbye to the others.

As the weather is improving, I’m debating whether I should still wear my long johns. I’ve been using it everyday since I arrived, which means from minus temperatures to now positive temperatures. I thought of not wearing it this morning but in the end, I decided that it’s better I wear it than suffer from the cold. But as it turns out, it wasn’t that cold, so maybe I’ll try not wearing it tomorrow.

I met Yvonne today, to talk about her work in the organization. After that, she said she wanted to show me around her living area as it’s said to be quite a fashionable area. It’s not very far from the office, so hopefully I get to go and see another part of Berlin just before I leave. J Claudia is back from India and she too wants to do something with me this week. I feel so loved!

Also, I couldn’t keep my surprise of ending my interview in German (typical me!!), so I tried out my German (yes, I’ve memorized it) with Marie and Claudia, and they said that it’s not only German I’m speaking…but ‘good German’!! Haha! I guess I do have some sort of a knack for languages! :D The interview is taking place tomorrow, so I hope I look good on camera! My skin hasn’t improved as I thought it would, what with being in a cold country and all; I diligently moisturize my face, so it’s not dry but somehow it doesn’t have that smooth glow I thought I would have. Lol!


And just as I am 6 days away from going home, I received bad news from my sis today. Someone tried to rob my mum at the shop. She fell down, hit her face on the slab by the drain (which caused a cut to her nose and her face is swollen) and broke her specs. Thank God she had no pouch or money with her but my sis said she was crying. I feel so helpless and I too want to cry coz I can’t do anything from here! I just had a bad feeling today becoz coincidence or not, I dreamt of Lord Krishna last night and it’s weird becoz I don’t usually dream of Gods for no reason; but I didn’t think much of it when I woke up. Sighs… L

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